Please submit an order enquiry to get a quote on shipping your order.

Order Enquiry

For shipping, we have a minimum order value of $30.

Shipping costs vary a lot depending on the service used and your location. For this reason, we cannot offer a fixed shipping rate and all orders need to be quoted case by case. Please submit your desired order details and information below and we will get back to you to discuss your shipping requirements and to organise payment.

Shipping costs....

Plecos & Bristlenose - starts at $35 and goes up depending on how many fish and the box size that has to be used. Also which shipping company is used (Auspost, Toll Priority or Virgin) as they all have different rates.

Shrimp & Endlers - starts at $25 and can increase if it's a larger order and if a bigger box is needed.

"" For more details, read our shipping information and please make sure you have read and understand our refund policy. ""

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We do not take payment online.

Payment options will be discussed once we get back to you with a shipping quote.

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